"Health at Every Size"

Weight science has evolved, embracing a newer concept of “Health at Every Size” or HAES.  This is a newer movement in medicine that tries to emphasize health instead of focusing purely on weight.  Weight is still important, of course, and for some people who are obese it is critical to attain a healthy weight.  But HAES shifts the focus from weight loss to health promotion. 

The way to measure success, then, becomes things like blood pressure, cholesterol, and how you feel.  Changing your diet to include more nutritious things and fewer processed/fried foods is the best way to do that, and for many this does result in some weight loss.  But weight loss is not the primary goal.  The goal is to be healthy, and it is possible for someone to be healthy at “their size”!

“Food is Medicine'' follows in the footsteps of “Health at Every Size”.  The goal, too, is your health rather than solely worrying about your weight.  For “Food is Medicine” diet plans, there are specific foods that are included in order to achieve the maximum possible benefits in terms of health, disease prevention, disease treatment, and how you feel.

Again, remember that our diet is inclusive.  It focuses on what you should eat, and every meal is an opportunity to put something in your body that is beneficial.  That is not to say our diet encourages you to eat whatever you want.  There are many things which have been found to cause harm to your body, and our plans try to limit those.  Things like fried foods, excess alcohol, etc. are definitely not medicine for your body as they cause disease instead of preventing it. 

That brings us to another benefit of “Food is Medicine”, which will be covered in the next section.

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