Inclusive vs. Exclusive Diet

This is a major difference in how “Food is Medicine” differs from normal diets:

 It is an inclusive diet 

This means that the recommendations, rules, and parameters of the diet state what you should eat.  This is different from most weight-loss focused diets, because they are exclusive diets.  The recommendations from weight loss diets focus on what you can’t eat.  

The idea that weight loss is the primary (or only) goal for diet and nutrition is falling out of fashion among experts.  The fact is, even the best strategies for weight loss generally only produce short term results.  Research shows that “the majority of individuals are unable to maintain weight loss over the long term and do not achieve the putative benefits of improved morbidity and mortality”.¹ In other words, focusing on weight loss achieves very little for most people.  Not only do they not maintain the weight change, but it rarely accomplishes anything for their health.  And this is when we are discussing the more well-studied and expert approved weight loss strategies like calorie restriction, exercise, counseling.  There is even less benefit from the many fad diets out there! 

The majority of popular weight loss strategies are almost impossible to maintain long-term, and have decidedly temporary results.  Most of us have experienced (or seen others experience) how quickly the weight loss evaporates when you try the latest fad diet. Clearly these fad diets are at best a waste of time, and at worst can compromise your health with poorly researched claims and adverse changes to your nutrition.

Read on to learn more about the latest developments in weight science, and how we use that you help achieve your health goals.

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