The Tools and Resources in the NTP

In this and the following sections you will find the real "meat" (or fish!) of the Nutrition Treatment Plan. It is recommended that you carefully ready through everything in these section. Though we know it is a lot of information, we have provided multiple ways to help you accomplish the goals of the Nutrition Treatment Plan.

The "Parameters" section contains the goals of the plan itself. Here you will find what you need to include in your diet in order to obtain the full benefits of the Macular Degeneration Nutrition Treatment Plan. There are also tips and serving size references under each "Parameter" to help you calculate what you need to eat in order to meet that particular goal.

The "More the Merrier" section has lists of foods and ingredients for you choose from when making your meals. Read through the section to understand in more detail, but basically the more you can eat foods from those lists the better.

Taking all of the parameters and creating an actual weekly meal plan can be quite hard at first, so we have also included a guidance section. There is a step-by-step guide on working your way through all of the parameters when you are planning your weekly grocery trip.

We recommend you follow these steps each week when you are first getting used to following the Nutrition Treatment Plan. Also included is an interactive worksheet in the form of an excel spreadsheet which will keep track of what you are eating and then calculate how you are doing on each parameter. To help show you how to use this worksheet, we have included a video guide.

Last, but not least, we have included an easy to read infographic showing all of the parameters. This will hopefully serve as a quick reference for you as you get used to planning your meals this way.

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